October 03, 2014

Game Fans,

Since 2012, Scott Kuhn Photography has been your loyal game photographer, providing numerous action shots of almost all of the Murray County football games, some of the junior varsity games, and some of the North Murray Games.   Countless hours have been spent taking pictures on the field, driving to games both at home and away, enhancing the shots and providing fun previews on Facebook.

With that said, we are fully aware of instances where the effort, time and expense put forth by Scott Kuhn Photography to provide this service have not been recognized or acknowledged.  Without watermarks, the use and printing of our photographs without consent, recognition of the photographer, and compensation to the business continues to occur at increasing levels. Because of this, effective immediately, all school-related photographs will include a protective watermark.

 We prefer that visitors have a clear view of Scott's work, so the watermark decision was one that we didn't enjoy making. But as a business providing a service, we do need to take steps to protect the products we offer if we hope to grow the company.

Remember you may opt to purchase our action shots which remain at a price that is, from what we can see, the lowest offered in the area....only $2.00 per 4X6.

We are also offering individuals or businesses  who wishes to sponsor a individual game photo page the opportunity to do so.  Sponsors will enjoy having their name on the photo page, which on average hosts 500-750 visitors per week, and sponsorship will allow all watermarks for that page/game to be removed.  If you are interested in sponsoring a page, email [email protected] for rates.

Thank you all for understanding our need to make this change.  We sincerely appreciate those who have given us their business over the years and welcome everyone to continue to check out and purchase our photographs. If anyone has any questions, feel free to submit them to Holly at [email protected].



Office Manager for Scott Kuhn Photography