10:40 am Easton (5), Reese(3) and Opal (1) 4176 Hwy 76, Chatsworth Ga 30705 [email protected] PAID 150.00 via venmo on Nov 12 706-980-7576. Mom Kali Lents MAIL FOLLOW UP THANKS FOR COMING LETTER THANK YOU EMAIL SENT
11:00 am Judson and Jackson Loughridge / Amber Loughridge, 2865 Smyrna Ramhurst Rd, Chats. 7068475982 [email protected] PAID 150.00 DEPOSIT VIA CARD THANK YOU SENT COMPLETE EMAIL SENT ON DEC 20
Children: Liam Summey
Payment: $225.00 Via Venmo on Nov 15
Contact: 7062801801 433 Hyde Rd NW Resaca GA 30735 [email protected]
Communications: Thank you sent after event. Santa's invite letter mailed.
11:40 am Karina Velasquez Sarah and Kate 184 Piney Hill Road Chatsworth Ga [email protected] through facebook PAID THROUGH VENMO 250.00 ON NOV 14 THANK YOU SENT WANTS DIGITALS ALBUM UNLOCKED ON 12/19
12:00 pm Marley Dean (BryanTracy Dean) 224 Ti-Pi Lane, Chats [email protected]
. Prancer's Package Paid 175.00 Venmo on Oct 17 APPOINTMENT REQUESTED THANK YOU SENT
12:20 pm Ryker Raymond (Ally Raymond) 2545 Carters Rd, Chatsworth Ga 30705 [email protected] Blitzen's Basic PAID 150.00 Creditcard 11/05 THANK YOU SENT
12:40 pm Anastasia Campbell (Tasha Watson) 807 Leon Circle, Chats 150.00 Dep PAID OCT 8/ 75.00 more paid Venmo on 11/18 (venmo), [email protected] THANK YOU SENT
1:00 pm Athena Rogers MARSHA DAVIS ROGERS Dashers Deluxe pd 225.00 10/17 venmo [email protected] THANK YOU SENT COMPLETE EMAIL SENT ON DEC 20
1:20 pm Kynlee (6) Livia (4) (Leah Boling) 264 Keswick Dr Chatsworth Ga 30705 [email protected] 250.00 received DD(venmo) 7065085427 THANK YOU SENT
1:40 pm Carla Banks [email protected]. Maci (6) and Owen (4) Dasher's Deluxe PAID 250.00 via paypal ON 11/15. santa email to [email protected] THANK YOU SENT
2:00 pm BREAK
Children: Everleigh (7) and Ellie (5)
Payment: $200 Prancer's Package Paid at Venmo Nov 16
Contact: [email protected]. 123 Timber Ridge Lane, Calhoun, Ga 30701
Communications: Thank you email sent after event, Thank you letter to girls mailed Nov 20, Previews Ready and Invitation Request sent via Facebook on December 2 CLIENT WANTS EMAILED LINK ONLY/NO PREVIEW PER FACEBOOK MESSAGE
Children: Emmett Vest (grandson)
Payment: $240 Cash at Event Nov 16
Contact: [email protected], 5310 Old Federal Rd North, Chatsworth, 706-313-2245
Communications: Thank you sent after Event. Thank you letter to Emmett mailed Nov 20
Santa communications: Santa told him his reindeer like candy canes