We are only one short day away from the fair and super excited! After a lot of time and research, we think we came up with enough props to create an attractive fall display that will satisfy most. But we have to admit that the session that excited us the most was the one we set up just with infants in mind. The only problem was, we didn't have an infant to try it out on! After making some rather ridiculous looking test shots with one of us holding up one of Hayleigh's old baby dolls (which we refuse to post on the site, lol!) We decided that a real baby was in order. The only problem was, we didn't know anyone who had a baby of the right age! We actually had to advertise to get someone with an adorable baby to come in for us.
Luckily, we had several volunteers ready and willing to do so. So the problem of having a 'baby model' was solved. Unfortunately, all the volunteers created a new problem, which adorable baby would we choose?
The process of choosing was not easy, but in the end, we were exceptionally pleased with our little model! He was a very good baby who easily smiled for his daddy, who willingly stood next to the camera and did what he had to do for those adorable grins.
I'm sure this photo will draw a young mother or two to our booth this weekend. What do you think? :)